Σάββατο, 15 Φεβρουαρίου 2025

eHealth Forum 2014

eHealth Forum 2014

Co-funded by the European Commission

Date: 12/5/2014 – 14/5/ 2014
Venue: Megaron, Athens Concert Hall
Attendees: 120
Contact Person
Mrs. Georgia Gkrintzali
Senior Advisor to the General Secretary of Public Health
Ministry of Health
+30 – 213 – 21 61 405

eHealth Forum 2014 brings together the High-Level eHealth Experts Conference on European Priorities, associated events and Exhibition, the eHealth Network Meeting, the 4th EU-US eHealth Marketplace & Cooperation Assembly and many more. The 3-day event will include industry sessions, networking opportunities, parallel and plenary sessions of
technical and scientific interest etc, aspiring to become a true forum for the exchange of experience, mutual support, best practices and synergies.

The Greek Presidency will drive the Digital Agenda forward and will promote policy dialogue and international cooperation towards service innovation and implementation that ensure durable outcomes for the patients, the healthcare systems and the society.

The eHealth Forum 2014 will demonstrate how eHealth can facilitate accessibility, enhance continuity of care and safeguard the fundamental rights of solidarity and equity for the delivery of concrete solutions that enable access to high quality services and safer care for all.

Especially in times of financial crisis, the deployment of ICT based services aims at promoting structural reform to deliver more efficient and sustainable health-care systems, at inspiring change, at investing in cost containment and at creating employment opportunities during challenging times.

The eHealth Forum 2014 will bring together all the international actors that can lead the way towards the development of innovative services that can substantially reshape healthcare, empower citizens and foster economic growth.

Τελευταία άρθρα