Κυριακή, 22 Σεπτεμβρίου 2024

Προϊόντα καπνού και συναφή προϊόντα


Sales Volume Submission

In compliance to the National Law 4419/2016 and the Directive 2014/40/EU, as well as the Circular 39190 /22-05-2018 of the Minister of Health, the data on the sales volumes for each tobacco product or relevant product must be submitted regarding the period that it was placed on the market.

More specifically, in accordance with Articles 5 and 18 of the Law, manufacturers / importers of tobacco products and electronic cigarettes or refill containers are required to provide data on their sales volumes annually, per product, brand and type, both to the Ministry of Health and to the Ministry of Finance.

For tobacco products in particular, the obligation regards the sales in 2015 and on, expressed in terms of number of cigarettes or in kilograms. It is set out in Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2015/2186 of 25 November 2015 laying down a format for the submission and making available of information on tobacco products, in which, through the EU CEG, the field of annual sales volume is mandatory.

For electronic cigarettes and refill containers, in accordance with Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2015/2183 of 24 November 2015 setting out a common format on the notification, the submission of sales data regards years 2016 and on and it is potential through the EU CEG. However, it is mandatory under the procedures laid down by each Member State in accordance with Article 20 (7) of the Directive and Article 18 (6) of Law 4419/2016.

Additionally, for novel tobacco products, under articles 17 par. 1 point c. and par. 12 of the Law (article 19 par. 1 point c. and par. 4 on the Directive), the same obligation applies as well.

Therefore, importers / manufacturers of tobacco and relevant products are requested to send by email to exartiseis_b@moh.gov.gr (Ministry of Health), finexcis@2001.syzefxis.gov.gr and d33drugs@2002.syzefxis.gov.gr (Ministry of Finance – Independent Authority for Public Revenues) no later than the 15th of June 2018 data on annual sales volume per product, brand and type (product id) - as submitted to the EU CEG, and in accordance with the potential figures submitted - by filling in the attached table.

For cigarettes and other tobacco products consumed as units (sticks, cigarillos, cigars, etc.) sales volume must be submitted in number of units and for the rest of tobacco products in kg. Regarding e – cigarettes, sales volume must be submitted in units for devices, in units or ml for refill containers and other parts.

The figures will include sales from 2015 up to 2017 (for e –cigarettes from the initial placing year to 2017). The obligation also applies to manufacturers or importers of products, notified to the EU CEG, the placing on the market of which has been withdrawn, for the years in which they were marketed domestically.

For the years 2018 onwards, the deadline for submitting the data is the 30th of March of the following year.

Hereinafter, the submission will be carried out both through notification to the EU CEG, with the procedures already in place (Commission Implementing Decisions (EU) 2015/2186 and (EU) 2015/2183), but also through the filling in and submitting the abovementioned table by email as detailed previously. No submission will be considered acceptable elseways.

It is strongly reminded, in particular, that the information requested by and provided to the European Commission and the Greek Ministry of Health and other competent authorities must be complete and accurate, within the deadlines set out, and that the obligation to provide the requested information shall lie primarily with the manufacturers and importers of tobacco and related products as provisioned in Article 23 par. 1 of the Directive.

Tobacco and related products not complied with the provisions of the law are not placed on the market. Breach of the reporting obligations leads to the imposition of sanctions (Article 21 and 24 par. 4of the Law (Article 23 in the Directive)).