Τετάρτη, 15 Ιανουαρίου 2025

X-eHealth Hackathon for Chronic Disease Management | Final Program of the official event in 7-9 June 2022


Hackathon for Chronic Disease Management

Final Program of the official event in 7-9 June 2022

In the context of the X-eHealth – Exchanging Electronic Health Records in a common framework, an European funded project, we invite professionals, researchers, students and any stakeholder who are interested in the healthcare domain to form teams and participate in the X-eHealth Hackathon for chronic disease management. The hackathon aims to showcase state of the art applications in the area of chronic disease management focusing on the efficient exchange of electronic health records by reusing the specifications developed by the X-eHealth project.


June 7

X-eHealth Hackathon opening session 10-12 CEST (shorturl.at/cMQ67)

10:00-10:05 CEST Welcome Ioannis Kotsiopoulos, Secretary General for Health Services - MoHGR

10:05-10:30 CEST Keynote speeches by project manager & task leader (Yasmin Fonseca - SPMS, Athanasios Kelepouris - MoHGR)

10:30-11:00 CEST Short introduction of each team (Team leaders)

11:00-11:40 CEST Short presentation of the available material and tools to the team (Jürgen Brandstätter, IHE Europe, Giorgio Cangioli, HL7 Europe, Sofia Franconi IHE Europe)

11:40-11:50 CEST Hackathon rules & logistics (Alexander Berler - MoHGR, Dimitrios Katehakis - HL7 Hellas)

11:50-12:00 CEST QA & AOB

Closed Mentoring Sessions

14:00-17:00 CEST Parallel sessions between mentors and assigned teams (30 min each)

June 8

Ask Anything Special Theme Sessions 9:00-13:00 CEST

09:00-10:00 CEST Ask Anything Special Theme: Laboratory Requests and Reports (Jürgen Brandstätter, IHE Europe, Stavros Kostomanolakis - HL7 Hellas) shorturl.at/losE3 (to be sent to the experts mentioned and the X-eHealth Hackathon teams)

10:00-11:00 CEST Ask Anything Special Theme: Medical Imaging and Reports (Sofia Franconi IHE Europe, Ioannis Petrakis - HL7 Hellas) shorturl.at/jsHJ6 (to be sent to the experts mentioned and the X-eHealth Hackathon teams)

11:00-12:00 CEST Ask Anything Special Theme: Refined PS for Rare Diseases (Marcello Melgara, ARIA, Sofia Franconi IHE Europe, Nikos Kyriakoulakos - HL7 Hellas) shorturl.at/bIO03 (to be sent to the experts mentioned and the X-eHealth Hackathon teams)

12:00-13:00 CEST Ask Anything Special Theme: Hospital Discharge Reports (Giorgio Cangioli, HL7 Europe, Sofia Franconi IHE Europe, Nikos Kyriakoulakos - HL7 Hellas) shorturl.at/uBFS1 (to be sent to the experts mentioned and the X-eHealth Hackathon teams)

Closed Mentoring Sessions (links will be sent separately to each participant)

14:00-17:00 CEST Parallel sessions between mentors and assigned teams (30 min each)

June 9

X-eHealth Hackathon Presentation session 9:30-13:00 CEST (shorturl.at/guSY9)

09:30-09:35 CEST Welcome and Introduction, Dr Konstantinos Chalkias - Executive Member - Greek DRG Institute

09:35-09:45 CEST Recap of event and Hackathon logistics (Alexander Berler - MoHGR, Dimitrios Katehakis - HL7 Hellas)

09:45-13:00 CEST Participants’ presentations (Hackathon Team leaders) – Short 15 min break included

13:00-14:00 CEST Break

X-eHealth Closing Session 14:00-15:00 CEST (shorturl.at/fvLQV)

14:00-14:20 CEST Hackathon Results Announcements (Organizing Committee members)

14:20-14:35 CEST MyHealth@EU current and future services, Klara Jirakova - Vysočina Region Regional Authority, Eamon Coyne - Health Service Executive, Ireland, eHMSEG Co-Chairs for MyHealth@EU

14:35-14:50 CEST Keynote Speech – The future of the European Electronic Health Record Exchange Format (Henrique Martins - Associate Professor in Health Management and Leadership at FCS-UBI and ISCTE-IUL)

14:50-15:00 CEST Future events and closing notes from the X-eHealth Project, Sergio Dinis, SPMS, X-eHealth Coordination